A child picks up habits and starts absorbing knowledge at a very young age. Hence, choosing the right education method for your kid is very important. Dr. Maria Montessori in her book Education and Peace says “A child is both a hope and a promise for mankind”. She put forth a curriculum that benefited the child not just for its present learning but which helped build a strong foundation for the child’s future.
What’s different about the Montessori Method?
Unlike the Traditional method, the Montessori teaching method encourages mixed age groups where children learn with kids older and younger than them. This helps with the development of socialization skills and makes the children comfortable with hanging out and working together with different minds.
Children are given space – in terms of physical free space to work on activities, and also the freedom to choose and set their own goals to complete a task. This helps them with decision-making as well as the trial and error method. They also learn through discovery by themselves, which helps with building good self-esteem.
The difference between a Traditional Private school and Montessori School is that in the latter, there is no rush to finish off a syllabus. The Montessori Method is less theoretical and more practical, as it helps children grow and learn individually through various curated activities.
Why choose Centennial Montessori?
Every parent wants their child to have the best education possible. At Centennial Montessori Plano, Texas, we aim to provide your child with the most authentic Montessori curriculum. Our guide or directress ensures to help the students learn through quality materials, provides one-on-one lessons and observers and gives every child equal attention. Rest assured that through our Montessori Method, your child develops a healthy attitude toward learning new things and will have a strong foundation upon which they will build a strong future. We are located at 9720 Coit Rd #111, Plano, TX 75025, United States. You can also reach us at (972) 752-3262 for more information.